Making Wine in a Pothole

Winemaking in a Pothole

Pothole Scuba

Scuba Diving in a Pothole

Pothole Pet Cemetery

Pothole Pet Cemetary

Pothole Pedicure

Pothole Pedicure

Duck Hunting

The Duck Hunter

Gardening in a Pothole

Gardening in a Pothole

Fishing in a Pothole

Fishing in a Pothole

Olympic Pool

Diving into a Pothole

Beer Cooler Pothole

Beer Cooler Pothole

Pothole Bubble Bath

Bubble Bath

The Baptism

The Baptism

The Baker


The Baker

Washing Laundry in a Pothole

Washing laundry

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Artists happily stuck in a rut –

Artists happily stuck in a rut –


We are in LA looking for good potholes to shoot a few scenes. If you know of a good pothole keep us posted!!!!!!!